Page name: Silver wind park [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-06-06 16:26:36
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silver wind park


Silver Wind Park 2!

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2007-08-29 [Ravendust]: Elyria's just gonna sit here twiddling her thumbs until some action or other finds her ><;;

2007-08-29 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: okay ill find her....

2007-08-29 [Ravendust]: heheh^^

2007-08-30 [Ravendust]: Yay! Rping^^ Just the thought of it is starting to wash away the exhaustion of a sleepless night ><;;

2007-08-30 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: lol yaayness

2007-08-30 [Iruvielle]: yaaaaaaay lol

2007-08-31 [Iruvielle]: ok, i need to know what kind of place everyone lives in... house.. apartment.. or if your char. is housing with another char. or what...

2007-08-31 [Ravendust]: o.o never really thought of a house ><;; XD... I dunno yet

2007-08-31 [Iruvielle]: haha, that's ok.. you can just get back to me on that.. it's because i'm making a place for everyone to rp when their chars. go to their house because it's clogging up the outside silver wind rp pages.. alot! lol

2007-08-31 [Ravendust]: lol, yeah... hm.... I'm debating between a small house and an appartment...

2007-08-31 [Iruvielle]: lol.. ok.. well, any kind of housing is allowed.. doesn't have to be just house or apartment! XDD

2007-08-31 [Ravendust]: I know! She lives in a castle!<img:stuff/mood-gif.gif>

Seriously... that's just me talking after spending two days building a lego castle ><;; XDD

2007-08-31 [Iruvielle]: hahahaha... That's ok... if you want.. oooooo, you know how just about every town has a house on a hill.. well.. it could be the castle on a hill of the town of Silver Wind! LOL

2007-08-31 [Ravendust]: haha, that sounds exciting XD ^^

2007-08-31 [Iruvielle]: if you want.. i'll name the page Elyria's Castle LOL if you want..

2007-08-31 [Ravendust]: lol *strokes chin* I think I could work with that XD

2007-08-31 [Iruvielle]: okeys, so you want that then?? LOL

2007-08-31 [Ravendust]: sure :3 it'd be wicked for parties too ;) (not that Elyria would ever throw one XD)

2007-08-31 [Iruvielle]: hahahaha... okeys! *runs off to make the wiki* XDDD..

2007-08-31 [Ravendust]: XDDD

2007-09-07 [Dezmond]: woah those two fight alot dont they

2007-09-07 [Iruvielle]: cam and rain??? yea.. they do! but.. it's a lover's quarrel... least, i hope so..

2007-09-07 [Dezmond]: lol it sounds like it but those can get out of hand....unfortunately

2007-09-07 [Iruvielle]: yea.. they have, i think twice now for Cam and Rain! hahaha

2007-09-07 [Bella HeartAttack]: yeah its what kathy said

2007-09-07 [Iruvielle]: hahaha

2007-09-07 [Dezmond]: lol and not all men cheat lol

2007-09-07 [Iruvielle]: yea.. cam wouldn't.. lol

2007-09-07 [Bella HeartAttack]: ya but most men aespically gangsters lol

2007-09-07 [Dezmond]: thats a stereotype about gansters now that is what a "playa" is lol

2007-09-07 [Bella HeartAttack]: lol

2007-09-07 [Dezmond]: lol

2007-09-07 [Iruvielle]: ^-^

2007-09-17 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: beh i think its time for the second page to the i missed a lot in three days

2007-09-17 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: uhm Demon and are rping at the hotel from what i gathered nin tyour posts,so could you go their to continue rpin instead of the parK

2007-09-19 [Dezmond]: i put my hand on your shoulder not the girls lol

2007-09-19 [Kiss My Sass]: yeah I know lol but celete knows her

2007-09-28 [Kiss My Sass]: *pokes Kat* why aren't you answering? *pouts*

2007-09-28 [Iruvielle]: i didn't know you had written anything.. and if you had yesterday.. i wasn't answering rps yesterday.. was too pissed off..

2007-09-28 [Kiss My Sass]: ah nope wrote a few days ago

2007-09-28 [Kiss My Sass]: Roxcie I put Dementos and luna in the Silver Wind Hotel

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